Monday, November 12, 2018

Child Abuse behind the Shield of Faith

On October 22 the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison publicly apologised to victims of institutional abuse. In a National address (full text at the bottom of this post) he acknowledged the use of religion to hide offences, saying :

‘Not just as a father, but as a prime minister, I am angry too at the calculating destruction of lives and the abuse of trust, including those who have abused the shield of faith and religion to hide their crimes, a shield that is supposed to protect the innocent, not the guilty and they stand condemned.’

Now it is time for you Klaus to address the real legacy of your kingdom building efforts and apologise to the boys and girls that you have physically abused, verbally intimidated, emotionally bullied, publicly humiliated and spiritually exploited through your ministry.

In the course of conducting your spiritual leadership you violated the trust of young children who could not fight back, who had been taught by their parents to respect you and trust you, and in the most vile way imprinted your authority on their young lives.

You abused your position as the spiritual head of the Team and crashed through family boundaries to exact your own version of righteousness upon children without consent or the knowledge of their parents.

Now it is time to turn your attention away from your real estate portfolio of 'holy places' and address the trail of wreckage you leave in your wake, the broken lives, the drug addiction, the psychological trauma, the mental illness, the devastated families and the catastrophic loss of self.

Now is the time for you to turn the page, now is the time for effective action on your part, now is the time for you to acknowledge that the statutes and ordinances of your personal faith and the foundation of your family’s wealth are tarnished with the indelible stain of child abuse.

You owe an unreserved, unconditional and complete apology to the children you have abused, and their families.

You can start with your own surviving children and grandchildren whom you have treated abominably, and then progress to the children of Team and ex-Team know who they are, you have the resources and you are more than capable of making contact with them.

...and Klaus you should consider that in 2018 the ‘Civil limitation periods for Western Australian child abuse crimes’ were lifted by the Western Australian Government, exposing you (and members of your immediate family) to legal action by your victims for the abuse they suffered at your hand in Mandurah and Lake Clifton. Victims who are now adults and competently able to take legal matters into their own hands.

Klaus this is real and not the time for you to dismiss these allegations with a convenient passage of scripture or an attempt to shift blame or responsibility. History and the facts stand against you. We already know of one child in Switzerland who was taken into institutional care to protect him from your ‘sonship training’ ministry.

For those of you who still support Klaus Pesch and his mission and business activities, consider carefully that you are enabling continued abuse of those less able to stand up for themselves, and by extension you are complicit in his abuses and exploitations, and you will be recognised accordingly.


If the content of this article has caused you distress we encourage you to make use of the following resources:

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Reporting Child Abuse in Western Australia

Lifting of the Civil limitation periods for Western Australian child abuse crimes

Australian National Apology

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’ full speech to Parliament:

"I move that the house apologise to the victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. Mr Speaker, let me first welcome all of those who have come here today.

Whether you sit here alongside us, here in this chamber, in the Great Hall outside, elsewhere in the nation's capital, in your living room, in your bed, unable to rise today or speak to another soul, your journey to where you are today has been a long and painful one, and we acknowledge that and we welcome you today, wherever you are.

Mr Speaker, silenced voices, muffled cries in the darkness, unacknowledged tears, the tyranny of invisible suffering, the never-heard pleas of tortured souls, bewildered by an indifference to the unthinkable theft of their innocence. Today, Australia confronts a trauma, an abomination, hiding in plain sight for far too long. Today, we confront a question too horrible to ask, let alone answer - why weren't the children of our nation loved, nurtured and protected?

Why was their trust betrayed? Why did those who know cover it up? Why were the cries of children and parents ignored? Why was our system of justice blind to injustice? Why has it taken so long to act? Why were other things more important than this, the care of innocent children? Why didn't we believe?

Today, we dare to ask these questions, and finally acknowledge and confront the lost screams of our children.

While we can't be so vain to pretend to answers, we must be so humble to fall before those who were forsaken and beg to them our apology. A sorry that dare not ask for forgiveness, a sorry that dare not try and make sense of the incomprehensible, or think it could, a sorry that does not insult with an incredible promise, that sorry that speaks only of profound grief and loss.

A sorry from a nation that seeks to reach out in compassion into the darkness, where you have lived for so long.

Nothing we can do now will right the wrongs inflicted on our nation's children. Even after a comprehensive royal commission, which finally enabled the voices to be heard and the silence to be broken, we will all continue to struggle.

So today, we gather in this chamber in humility, not just as representatives of the people of this country, but as fathers, as mothers, as siblings, friends, workmates and, in some cases, indeed, as victims and survivors.

Ngunnawal means "meeting place" and, on this day of apology, we meet together. We honour every survivor in this country. We love you. We hear you. And we honour you.

No matter if you are here at this meeting place, are elsewhere, this apology is to you, and for you. Your presence and participation makes tangible our work today, and it gives strength to others who are yet to share what has happened in their world.

Elsewhere in this building and around Australia, there are others who are silently watching and listening to these proceedings, men and women who have never told a soul what has happened to them. To these men and women, I say this apology is for you too.

And later, when the speeches are over, and we stand in silence, and we remember the victims who are not with us any more, many, too sadly, by their own hand. As a nation, we failed them, we forsook them, and that will always be our shame.

This apology is for them, and their families, too. As one survivor recently said to me, "It wasn't a foreign enemy who did this to us. This was done by Australians to Australians, enemies in our midst, enemies in our midst."

The enemies of innocence. Look at the galleries, look at the Great Hall, look outside this place, and you will see men and women from every walk of life, from every generation and every part of our land, crushed, abused, discarded and forgotten.

The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities and in family homes as well.
It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it and the systems within these organisations allowed it to happen, and turned a blind eye. It happened day after day, week after week, month after month, decade after decade, unrelenting torment.

When a child spoke up, they weren't believed and the crimes continued with impunity.
One survivor told me that when he told a teacher of his abuse, that teacher then became his next abuser - trust broken, innocence betrayed, power and position exploited for evil, dark crimes.

A survivor named Fay told the royal commission, "Nothing takes the memories away. It happened 53 years ago and it's still affecting me."
I also met with a mother - a survivor named Ann said: "My mother believed them rather than me."

I also met with a mother whose two daughters were abused by a priest the family trusted. Suicide would claim one of her two beautiful girls and the other lives under the crushing weight of what was done to her.

As a father of two daughters, I can't comprehend the magnitude of what she has faced. Not just as a father, but as a prime minister, I am angry too at the calculating destruction of lives and the abuse of trust, including those who have abused the shield of faith and religion to hide their crimes, a shield that is supposed to protect the innocent, not the guilty and they stand condemned.

One survivor says it was like becoming a stranger to your parents - mental health, illness, self-harm and addiction followed.

The pain didn't stop with adulthood. Relationships with partners and children became strained as survivors struggled with the conflicting currents within them.

Parents and siblings felt guilt and sadness for what they had missed, for what and whom they chose to believe, and for what they did not see, while survivors contemplated what could have been.

A survivor named Rodney asked the question so common to so many survivors. He wonders about the "person I may have become or the person I could have become, if I did not have all of this in my life".

Death can take many forms. In this case, the loss of a life never lived and a life denied. Another survivor, Aidan, spoke of not getting justice, because his abuser had died.

He said, "I was bereft because I was robbed. I was robbed of my day in court. I wanted to tell the world what he did. That was stolen. That was him, again, taking control."

Mr Speaker, today, as a nation, we confront our failure to listen, to believe, and to provide justice.

And, again, today, we say sorry, to the children we failed, sorry.

To the parents whose trust was betrayed and who have struggled to pick up the pieces, sorry.

To the whistleblowers, who we did not listen to, sorry.

To the spouses, partners, wives, husbands, children, who have dealt with the consequences of the abuse, cover-ups and obstruction, sorry.

To generations past and present, sorry.

Mr Speaker, as part of our work leading us to this today, I recently met with the National Apology Survivors' Reference Group, as did the Leader of the Opposition, who is with us today.

I want to thank this wonderful group of people and brave people. Many are survivors. They have all worked so hard to make today a reality. They said to me that an apology without action is just a piece of paper, and it is. And today, they also wanted to hear about our actions.

It's a fair call. In outlining our actions, I want to recognise the work of my predecessors, former Prime Minister Gillard, who is with us here today - and I thank you for your attendance - former Prime Minister Rudd, the member for Warringah, who continues to serve us here in this place, and the former Prime Minister, Mr Turnbull.

And I want to thank them for their compassion and leadership, as they also confronted these terrible failings.

The foundations of our actions are the findings and recommendations of the royal commission, initiated by Prime Minister Gillard. The steady, compassionate hand of the commissioners and staff resulted in 17,000 survivors coming forward, and nearly 8,000 of them recounting their abuse in private sessions of the commission.

We are grateful to the survivors who gave evidence to the commission. It is because of your strength, and your courage, that we are gathered here today.

Many of the commissioners and staff are also with us today, and I thank them also. Mr Speaker, acting on the recommendations of the royal commission with concrete action gives practical meaning to today's apology. The Commonwealth, as our national government, must lead and coordinate our response.

The National Redress Scheme has commenced. I thank the state and territory governments for their backing of the scheme. It recognises the impact of past abuse and provides justice for survivors.

It will provide survivors with access to counselling and psychological services, monetary payments and, for those who want one - and I stress for those who want one - a direct personal response from an institution, where the abuse occurred.

It will mean that, after many years, often decades of denials and cover-ups, the institutions responsible for ruining lives admit their wrongdoing and the terrible damage they caused.
The National Office of Child Safety is another big step forward to ensuring the prevention and detection of child abuse wherever it occurs. It was announced as part of our government's response to the royal commission and it was established from 1 July of this year within the Department of Social Services.

As prime minister, I will be changing these arrangements to ensure that the National Office of Child Safety will report to me. To me. It will reside within the portfolio of prime minister and Cabinet, as it should. And the Minister for Social Services will assist me in this role, including reporting to me on the progress of royal commission recommendations and the activities of the Office of Child Safety.

The office has already begun its work to raise awareness of child safety and to drive cultural change in institutions and the community, to ensure that systemic failures and abuses of power that brought us here today are not repeated.
Importantly, children themselves are being empowered to participate in these initiatives, because our children must be heard. And when it comes to the work of safety, it must be approachable and child-friendly.

They must know who they can tell. And they must be believed. And they must know where they can go.

All Australian governments are now working together to establish a national database to ensure highest standards for working with children and that data about people's ability to work with children is shared nationally.

And our work does not stop at our borders. We are ensuring children across the world are protected by stopping child sex offenders from travelling overseas without permission, which will disrupt, prevent and investigate the abuse of children globally.

And we recognise that as survivors age, those who were abused in, or by, an institution have real fears about entering into aged care facilities. It's an understandable fear given what happened during childhood, and we will work with survivor groups about what we can do to alleviate those fears and, indeed, the work of the royal commission into aged care will be able to address this as well.

And to assist with lasting change, we recognise that there are many survivors who were abused in other settings, such as their own homes and in their communities, who will not be covered by this redress scheme.

These survivors also need to be heard and believed and responded to with services to address their needs.

So today, I commit to fund the establishment of a National Centre of Excellence and I call on the states and territories to work as partners in this venture. This centre will be the place to raise awareness and understanding of the impacts of child sexual abuse, too deal with the stigma, to support, help and seeking and guide best practice for training and other services.

All of this is just the start. The Australian Government has not rejected a single recommendation of the royal commission. We now actively work on 104 of the 122 recommendations that were addressed to the Commonwealth, and the 18 remaining are being closely examined in consultation with states and territories.

And today, we commit from December this year we will report back to the Australian people through the parliament to be held accountable each year, each year, on the progress we are making on the recommendations over the next five years and then beyond.
We will shine a spotlight on all parts of government to ensure we're held accountable. And the institutions which perpetrated this abuse covered it up and refused to be held accountable must be kept on the hook.

Already, many of those organisations have made their own apologies and have signed up to be part of the National Redress Scheme, as they should, but there are others yet to join and today I simply say justice, decency and the beliefs and values we share as Australians insists that they sign on.

Today, I also commit to establishing a National Museum, a police of truth and commemoration, to raise awareness and understanding of the impacts of child sexual abuse.
We will work with survivor groups to ensure your stories are recorded, that your truth is told, that our nation does not turn from our shame, and that our nation will never forget the untold horrors you experienced.

Through this, we will endeavour to bring some healing to our nation, and to learn from our past horrors. We can never promise a world where there are no abusers, but we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children, to work together to keep children safe, to trust them, and, most of all, respect their innocence.

Mr Speaker, I present the formal apology to be tabled in this parliament today, which will be handed to those in the Great Hall shortly. It reflects all of the sentiments that I have expressed on behalf of the Australian people, this parliament and our government, and I table that and, as I do, I simply say I believe you, we believe you, your country believes you.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Team in Hopetoun, Western Australia

237 Acacia Drive, Hopetoun
227 Acacia Drive, Hopetoun
49 Platypus Road, Hopetoun

Klaus Pesch's recent visit to inspect the adjacent properties that Team members own in Hopetoun, Western Australia may indicate that they are gearing up for development.

Reports reaching Ex-Team members indicate that there are plans to build 'a completely sustainable cooperative that doesn’t need any outside assistance'.

That idea sounds perfectly aligned with a group that sees the outside world as a threat and is preparing for the 'end times'.
A haven for exclusive 'group think' and without the bothersome scrutiny of prying eyes.

From the outside this will be dressed up as 'Environmentally Sustainable Off-grid Living', the only problem that seems evident is that the electricity grid won't be the only thing this group will be disconnected from.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Religious sect's new Swiss home prompts concerns

IOM Today, UK/August 12, 2018 (original Source Isle of Man Today)
By Adrian Darbyshire

A co-operative linked to a controversial religious sect that tried to set up a venture in the Isle of Man is creating a stir at its new base in Switzerland.

In 2010, concerns were raised with the Bishop over the arrival of German Klaus Pesch in the island and what his plans might be for a site off Crossags Lane, Lezayre.

Herr Pesch is spiritual leader of a global religious organisation called The Team.

Former members of The Team mounted a highly critical online campaign against the activities of the organisation which they branded a ’cult’.

They claimed members were manipulated and isolated from their families.

Herr Pesch was director of Crossags Ltd, which was refused planning permission to build a barnhouse containing living accommodation, a workshop and storage area in a field hidden away from other buildings.

Now a Swiss publication Beobachter (The Observer) has reported how the activities of a co-operative linked to Klaus Pesch is causing rumblings in the ski resort of Wildhaus, in the Toggenburg region of north east Switzerland.

The Bionarc co-operative has bought up the old town hall and has plans to replace it with a four-storey residence.

Neighbours are objecting to the plans.

According to its website, Bionarc provides consultancy and training in the renewable energy sector. Herr Pesch is a co-director of Bionarc in Germany and is a member of the co-operative in Switzerland.

Beobachter reports: ’Behind the wooden clapboard facades, discontent is spreading.

’Without looking carefully, the local council has rolled out the red carpet for a sect, it is said in the village.’

Mayor Rolf Zullig said there had been no adverse information about the buyer and the current planning application will be treated like anybody else’s.

He said: ’A destructive sect could become a problem for the tourism destination. We do not want that. And if the political community can prevent it through legal action, then it will.’

But co-operative president Patrick Rupf told Beobachter that he denied all allegations against Herr Pesch and The Team.

He said he himself belongs only to a group of believing Christians, a loose circle of nine friends who seek the truth in the Bible, and who do not believe in the end of the world.

He said they came to Toggenburg because they have family roots there.

Herr Rupf insisted there is neither an organisation nor an organisational structure, nor a leader.

He said: ’Klaus Pesch enabled me to enter into a personal relationship with God.’

He described his spiritual mentor as a ’harmless’ man, who is ’not a manipulator’.

There is no blind obedience to the team, no control delusion, no healing exclusivity and no contact ban, he added.

Original source:

see also:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The church still remains in the village
Observer, August 3, 2018, pages 32-34 
By Yves Demuth
Free Church. The community Wildhaus has reclassified a place for a new building for the radical religious cooperative Bionarc. Dropouts report financial exploitation.
Behind the wooden shingle façades in the top of Toggenburg resentment and helplessness spread. Without looking carefully, the local council of a sect roll out the red carpet, it is said in the village.
No one in Wildhaus wants to publicly criticize the five local councils. You know each other. And you know here between Säntis and Churfirsten how difficult it is to find new investors or sell old properties. The bakery Alpiger, the Raiffeisenbank and the Landi branch closed last year and are empty. The Hotel Alpstein is available for 1.5 million francs. A villa with indoor pool for even less.
The old community center, which became redundant as a result of the merger with Alt St. Johann, quickly found buyers. A couple secured it years ago by lease with preemption. Later, the duo sold the house of the religious co-operative Bionarc - which presides over it.
Nobody cared about that for a long time. Only when the new owners presented their construction project, residents began to google. The members, they read, belong to a group that English media call sect.
The leader should be Klaus Pesch. The nice German who drives up and down in Wildhaus and is one of the builders who want to build a four-storey residential building on the site of the community center. In the middle of the village center, where the Doppelstoecker Postbus spits tourists out and the village youths hang out in the evening.
"Unconfirmed rumors". A few meters further on, on the village square, racing cyclists sit in the shade. A senior woman rushes to the Wednesday worship service in the Catholic Church. In the "Hirschen", someone calls for a cold beer. German pensioners are waiting for the car, which will bring them to the nearby birthplace Zwingli.
In the Hotel Sonne, where the radical religious members sometimes eat, one does not want to comment on "unconfirmed rumors about a sect". The Catholic pastor and the Reformed pastor never want to have heard of the Christian fundamentalists, even though the few meters away from their churches with a voluminous new building high.
Mayor Rolf Züllig knows the background of the builders for half a year. He did not do anything. The house was sold in 2013, he says. He had no adverse information about the buyers back then. The council had published the sale in the "Toggenburger Tagblatt", as prescribed by the municipal code. Nobody had taken the referendum.
He must treat the current building application like everyone else, says Züllig. However, the community is very much in favor of the religious construction consortium. She classified a municipal forecourt in a street, so that the new building can be realized despite objections, as Züllig confirmed. That does not mean that one supports any "sectarian activities". "A destructive sect" could be a problem for the tourism destination Wildhaus. "We do not want that. And if the political community can prevent it by legal means, then it does! "
It's dark in the old town hall. The new owners were rarely seen, residents say. They often come to mow the lawn or deal with objections to their construction project.
The property belongs to the cooperative Bionarc, based in Wildhaus. It is headed by Patrick Rupf, Klaus Pesch is a member. According to the statutes, it is an association for consultancy and training in the field of renewable energies, which also deals with real estate. The members conducted "charitable activities on a biblical basis". They are nine friends who work together on the basis of the Bible, says Cooperative President Patrick Rupf. "You can read everything transparently on our homepage"
Dropouts say, however, behind Bionarc stuck the sect The Team, whose leader Klaus Pesch believing Christians pull the money from his pocket. Cult expert Hugo Stamm knows reports of dropouts. He describes the small grouping as a "Christian fundamentalist group with pronounced sectarian aspects that acts in isolation and is not organized in a free association". Because this lacked control, the danger of radicalization was particularly great. It is a question of "a fundamentalist-Christian radical group, as they have often grown out of the free church in recent decades," says Georg Schmid of the information center Relinfo the Reformed Church. He also relies on statements of alumni. Such groups tried to gain new members around Freikirchen. And since there are many Protestant free churches in Toggenburg, Wildhaus is interesting.
Donated under pressure. Several alumni described to the observer that Klaus Pesch, as an authoritarian leader, manipulates group members with his allegedly infallible Bible interpretations. How families were isolated because they broke off contact with critical relatives. On Saturdays they usually had to do fronwork for the community. Many had donated large sums of money under pressure. Pesch has seduced some to borrow money to enable the community to buy and convert properties in "sacred places". Getting rid of the "team" is hardly possible without taking a mountain of debt.
The descriptions coincide with older entries published by dropouts in an internet blog - as a «warning against the spiritual teachings and business practices of Klaus Pesch and The Team». For sect expert Georg Schmid, the unquestionable authority of leadership is a "typical feature of fundamentalist Christian communities". These include the healing exclusiveness of one's own community or the fronwork and the cash flows in favor of the founder Klaus Pesch, who describe the former.
Dropouts accuse the "team" that it has built up a real estate empire for Klaus Pesch with the money of the members. The members are told that in anticipation of a new era, new rules require "sacred places" that "chosen ones" can go to.
On the island of Isle of Man, the sect with a real estate project has already failed once at baujuristischen hurdles. In Australia, the Pesch family apparently runs a larger, secluded property near Perth. In the German-Swiss border village of Öhningen, the cooperative Bionarc Deutschland owns a property in which it holds Bible lessons.
One of the most sacred places of the sect is located on a vine above Stein am Rhein, where, according to dropouts, the Holy Spirit is at home. There, the leader Klaus Pesch often stays there, and there lives also Bionarc Cooperative President Patrick Rupf. He converted his house into a stately home with the help of craftsmen and "friends". Rupf does not want to call his property sacred. This term was too strained by the church. But if he has important people like Klaus Pesch, it's his home, and he's a holy place.
Sect - these are the others. Klaus Pesch, who is currently in Australia, did not speak for the observer. Patrick Rupf denies all allegations against Pesch and The Team. A sect? These are the others, according to Rupf. The movement Adullam to Werner Arn from the lower Toggenburg about, that is an "extreme sect". He himself belongs only to a group of believing Christians. It's a loose circle of friends who seek the truth in the Bible, sometimes calling themselves a "team" and looking for beautiful places to make them a particularly beautiful home. Do not believe in an end of the world. They came to Toggenburg because they had family roots there.
Is Klaus Pesch the leader of the "team"? There is neither an organization nor an organizational structure nor a leader, says Rupf. "Klaus Pesch helped me to grow up. He enabled me to have a personal relationship with God. He taught me how to ask God. "
Patrick Rupf describes his spiritual mentor as a harmless man who shares his experience unselfishly with friends. "As a missionary in Australia, Pesch has reunited ripped Aboriginal families with God's direction and supernatural powers - without GPS and nothing. He only listened to God's voice, that's the only reason he succeeded. "Pesch is not a leader and a manipulator, says Patrick Rupf. There was the "team", no blind obedience, no control delusion, no healing exclusivity and no contact ban against other faithful. "Fronarbeit has never existed. Many friends have volunteered to help with projects such as remodeling my home in Stein am Rhein. "By no means, nobody says, he is indebted, Rupf says. "I only know the commandment from the Bible,
Arbitrary Bible interpretation. The 20 to 50 people who are still in the "team" would feel that they are doing everything voluntarily and living exactly according to the Bible, a former member tells us. "The abused our beliefs and drove us into debt." With a completely arbitrary interpretation of the Bible, Pesch controlled his surroundings and influenced personal decisions. Therefore, the exit is so infinitely difficult. The "team" is looking for free church contacts with Christians - or about their own business activities, for example, as a local advertising company, say dropouts. So you want to make relationships. "Without a friendly connection, the promise of salvation is too abstruse, as that you could find it convincing," explains a former. God's words are strong. Too often they would be abused,

Original source

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Schloss Pesch

Every king needs a castle and Klaus Pesch has had his eye on this one since 2005.

Schloß Pesch, Schloßstraße, 40670 Meerbusch, Germany

He has no doubt managed to convince his followers that this is a 'Sanctuary' or 'Holy Place' and it is God's perfect will that he lives there in one of the apartments to take up his rightful place in the kingdom of God in Germany

We note that Partick Rupf one of Klaus Pesch's closest followers, and personal accountant now lists his Megagrafik company in Weeze, North Rhine-Westphalia just 60 km from Schloss Pesch, but 630 km from Patrick's home in Stein-am Rhein, Switzerland.

Perhaps the good residents of Schloss Pesch can expect a visit from Klaus, just as soon as he has managed to swindle enough money from his followers to buy an apartment he feels he deserves, or he says that God has told him to buy.